Sunday, August 10, 2008

Dedicated band of contributors

The "Million Kilometres for Tibet" cause has been going for a while now and even though it didnt get the response I envisaged, the total is climbing slowly ( 81,683km) and will keep going for a while with the dedicated bunch of contributors that we have on board.

What was the aim ? For as many walkers, runners and cyclists to get together, combine their weekly training totals and reach 1 million kilometres.

Why Perhaps it may send a message to China that people do not like the oppression that China is carrying out against the Tibet Autonomous region and other areas of China.

It's not too late to join and you can backdate your training and racing kms from the start of 2007. If you would like to join and help, please send an email to myself at . Why not start during the Olympics?

Some videos and latest information about what's happening in Tibet

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